Hi, my name is Lorie and I am a piano teacher in the Coeur d' Alene Idaho area who teaches private lessons. I started playing the piano at age 14, and have been playing for 40 plus years. I have played for Church services, choirs, soloists,quartets, funerals and weddings. I have experience with both adults and children as young as 4. I am a positive and motivational teacher, and I believe in positive reinforcement. I make use of the "Prize Box" which is full of prizes for students who: Demonstrate a good attitude, Stay on Task, and Complete Assignments. If you are looking for a piano teacher e-mail me @: loriesplace9@roadrunner.com or call (509)818-2424 to set up an interview.
I am thrilled to say two new students have been added to the piano studio. I hope to get their pics up soon. You are all doing a wonderful job! Keep practicing!